Sunday, April 3, 2011

Putting new saw to use

Since moving back down to the lake cabin I have been putting that new chainsaw to good use. First off I have started to stock pile a good amount of firewood for next winter as you can see by the first photo. I cut the chunks of wood into chainsaw lengths, making some of the larger diameter ones as much as I can lift by myself. I will cut them down to stove length and split them at a later date.

Next, I also have been cutting some wood for the saw mill. The woods off the lake shore is not very accessible by four wheeler during the summer months so I have been trying to get as much wood from that area while I can. The next photo shows a pile of logs pulled to the mill by dragging them, chained to a sled, with the snowmachine. The logs are 9 to 12 foot lengths and hopefully with be a good start to a stock of lumber for construction at the lake cabin this summer.

The last photo was taken back in the woods off the lake, a place I liked to call my candy store because of all the trees that need to be cut down in that area. The trees that I'm talking about are very large and are leaning so bad that they will eventually pull themselves out of the ground. This is due to the melting perma-frost under the root system. By removing all of the leaning spruce trees Doug and I are hoping the birch tree populating will take off and draw beavers back to the lake. The pic shows the snowmachine and two trailers loaded full of wood to be taken back to the cabin.

Along with gathering firewood for the cabin and getting logs to the mill I also spend part of the day hauling firewood up to Doug's and splitting it for him. The plan is to get him enough wood to last the rest of spring so he won't have to stain himself with that type of work, allowing his back to heal from surgery he had while he was traveling.

All of that work makes for a pretty long and hard work day and I am looking forward to the 3 week vacation in Minnesota coming up in a few days. That being said this will most likely be the last post I put up until I return from my trip, at the end of this month.

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