Since cutting the hole for the door into the bathroom Doug and i have been focusing on closing in the bathroom. Right now we just have an old plastic covered door leaned up against the bathroom door opening, not really sealing up the cabin. Doug wants to get the cabin sealed back up so the ferrets can come in and run around and also to keep the bugs out. The last couple days i have been working on re-leveling the deck and constructing a new step into the front door. Doug has continued framing in the bathroom and getting it ready for electrical/plumbing rough in. Since most all of the steps in the cabin have some kind of taper or angle to the treads we decided we will follow suit and do that at the entry to the house and the step down into the bathroom. Any other steps we make will have that same feature. Doug really likes that look and i'd have to agree with him. A have been taking pictures along the way, some of them don't have the right lighting to see all the fine detail i apologize for that. The first one is of the deck after i leveled it with big 2X lumber i cut into giant 8 foot long tapered shims and installed new 12 inch wide planks i cut from that 22inch diameter long at the mill. The second is from standing on the deck with the floor planks laid up to the soon to be step. The third, a look at the bathroom progress a day ago. After that i have a pic of a view out the bathroom door, through the shower onto the deck. If you look closely you can see the taper from the cabin front door to the outside wall where i shimmed up the floor to get it level. The next picture is of the bathroom with insulation laid on the floor, ready for plywood sub-floor. And you can also see that Doug has connected the wood floor from the living room to the entry of the bathroom and continued it on the steep down. The last pic i have is the deck with the railing and roof support re-installed. And in the back ground the angled step into the cabin is completed. I'll get some better pictures of the entry way when the light is a little more cooperative.
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