Since i have been staying out in the bush one of the projects i have been working on is a water reservoir for the cabin on the lake. After spending over 35 years on and off in the Chatanika area Doug has discovered several springs running down the hill side on the south slope where he lives now. He has captured one of the springs in a reservoir a 1000 feet up the hill from his cabin for his water supply. Now half way between his cabin and mine on the lake another spring running down the hill has been discovered. About 900 feet, as the crow flies, from the lake cabin we have dammed up the spring and are constructing a reservoir to supply that cabin. The long term goal is to plumb the reservoir to the cabin. If my GPS is telling the truth we should have an elevation drop of 120 feet from the reservoir to the cabin meaning gravity should do all the work. For the time being i think i have it built up enough to just dunk a bucket to supply myself with water. Up til now i have been making my way to the river to get my drinking and cooking water. The reservoir is about a quarter of the distance to the river saving a lot of fuel in the ATV or mileage on my back when i don't have a machine. I have a short video and a couple of pictures showing the current state of the reservoir. You will see that the water looks pretty muddy but that is do the the fact that i just got done digging and laying plastic for the day. Normally it is totally clear and tastes great!
Ewww! Looks like mushroom soup.