After working with and sorting out a couple good batteries from Doug i decided it was time to get my little power system more organized. I thought it would be a good idea to keep everything but an outlet outside. My solution was to build a small shed right outside my front door and hard wire in a standard outlet inside the cabin. In the photos i show the start of the electrical system with a small car battery mounted in a box with the inverter attached and the solar panel on a short cord so i could move it around fairly easy. Then i moved on to attaching the solar panel to my camera tripod, with only a few modifications. After that i started a structure that i could build on everyday, a couple pics of that. Then a little siding scribed to the logs of the cabin covering the frame wrapped with pieces of a tarp. And finally the almost finished product, just need a couple hinges and a handle. I also would like to include a pick of the tools i use for every project at my cabin. I feel spoiled when i go up to Dougs cabin and get to use any and every power tool imaginable. And to get a into a little more detail about what i can do with my power system. Right now i just use the power to keep my laptop computer charged, charge my i-pod, charge AA batteries and run my external hard drive for my computer. The plan down the road is to pick up a couple new deep cycle batteries to have a better base to work with and then maybe pick up a small LCD TV (19inch) that only takes about 30 to 50 watts of power. As long as i get a full day of sun the panel i have now keeps up a good charge, i can't wait to see what a couple new batteries can do. The batteries i'm using now are over 5 years old so they are at the end of their lifespan.
The rebirth of General Electric in the wilderness!