Doug has supplied with me all the parts to run and maintain a 12 to 120volt power system. He has all kinds of spare parts and components just laying around not being used so we put together a system for my little cabin. The only thing that we were missing was a solar panel and Doug picked one up for me the last time he was in town. In the video i have today it shows a very basic setup but i am going to haul a bunch more supplies and batteries down to the cabin and construct a better system for it all. This is just one of the things going on right now. Yesterday Doug and i floated the 4 wheeler back across the river because the other one is still waiting for some parts and we had lots of supplies to haul up from the river. He had me on the raft polling the ATV across the river while he pulled on the raft with a rope and waded across the river! Wow, tough guy! That water is about 40 degrees and he was up to his waist in water with just shorts on! Everyday brings a crazy new adventure, never know what's going to happen next. A few nights ago i had a red fox come down the hill towards my cabin and had to scare him off so the geese wouldn't get disturbed. Back to the solar power, the picture i'll include today is the back of the panel and shows the specs of the panel. Not a ton of power but should be able to maintain good voltage if i let the batteries charge all day while i'm working. I'll show you the system when i get it all hooked in a more permanent fashion.
How long will a charge last if you run a tv? Do you also gets electric lights? Or is the sun pretty strong so you don't even need lights? Very cool set-up!