Monday, August 1, 2011

Wi-Fi extension to the lake cabin!

After talking about it for about a year, Doug finally took a chance and ordered a point to point wi-fi antenna kit. His original idea was to set up a wireless cam system around his property. At one point to keep an eye on the 4 wheeler on the other side of the river and another to view the trumpeter swans that nest somewhere around the lake every year. Since I already have a small power setup at the lake, he figured that was a good place to start. Doug has worked with wireless boosters in the past without much success so he didn't have too much faith in this latest antenna setup. This system works by plugging a network cable into the internet router at Doug's cabin, that feeds into a little black box, and is plugged into a power source. From there a length of coaxial cable is attached to an antenna/dish that is mounted on the outside of the cabin. When attaching the antenna to Doug's cabin I had to estimate where to aim the antenna being you can't see the lake cabin from his property. Mean while down at the lake cabin the antenna setup is just reversed from the host/Doug's site. After experimenting with several different antenna locations and working out a compromise with signal strength versus cable length, so the coax would reach the cabin, the antenna ended up on a tree about 35 feet from the cabin. And to my surprise after passing through a pretty thick stand of spruce I still get about 70-80% signal strength! This setup should give Doug and I a good start on setting up a wireless camera setup around the property. And as a bonus to that, I in turn get internet service at the lake, whenever Doug has the internet turned on. The pics above show the the antenna setup at the lake cabin and the progression of the signal into my netbook computer. I forgot to snap a photo of the antenna at Doug's but this should give you a good idea of how it works. On final note I will be moving the blog to a different host site soon due to a lot of issues with blogspot, one of them being the formatting which you can see in the previous post which I cannot fix. The name will be changing and when I have the new site up and running I'll leave a link to it on this site.

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