Sunday, July 10, 2011

Garden update

Here's a look at the garden after spending a few weeks in town and letting mother nature run it's course. To my surprise the local wildlife didn't touch any of the plants while I was gone. A couple days after I left the river it began raining and continued to rain almost everyday, for a few hours a day. The rain lasted for a few weeks and made my time in town a little miserable but on the up side the garden got watered everyday! As you can see even with out any fertilizer things did pretty good.
The radish plants were definitely ready to come out, and doing so opened up more room for the carrots. Iceberg and romaine lettuce plants are doing fantastic but the cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower didn't seem to take off. Doug pointed out that they require a lot of nutrients to keep them going so I probably won't be getting any of those out of the garden this year.

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