Here's a quick little video showing where the geese and chickens spend most of the winter. When the temp is above 20 degrees the geese get to come outside for a little while. This pen is right under the TV room so I can hear the animals quite clearly. There are a couple heat lamps to warm the pen and are on when the generator is running, right now that's about nine and half hours.
The photos are of the front step loaded with fuel barrels, the atrium entry and a stack of wood that lasts about 2 to 3 days, and finally a look at the atrium and all the nice green plants I get to enjoy even with the lack of sun.
As you can see from the photo a lot of fuel is requried to run a generator during the winter months. The generator is used to charge the battery bank and also runs the 1000 watt plant light in the atrium.
In the pic of the atrium you can also see the ferret pen Doug constructed out of a plastic shelving unit.
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