As the title suggests I'm still plugging away at Pam's house trying to get the basement all wrapped up before the cold temps hit. Currently the weather has been very mild, not typical end of October weather. Usually the temperature should be dropping well below zero at night but it has been a very comfortable 10 to 20 degrees. As the pic shows I am still staying at Billie's in my mountaineering tent. I myself am glad it hasn't got really cold yet because I don't have my really cold weather clothing or gear here in town. All of that stuff is out at the Chatanika valley in the lake cabin. Which leads to my next segment.
While staying at Billie's I ran into Travis who asked how long I will be working in town. I told him I wasn't sure and asked him what his plan was for the winter. So he presented a couple of ideas one of them being a trip to the arctic to hunt caribou and the other going bear hunting in the Boreal Forest, where wolves are very frequently seen as well. Then he asked if I wanted to go! I of course jumped at the idea and said I'd see what I can work out with Pam. Pam was very open to me taking off for a little while and I said I would get to a point where someone could come in and install the heating system in the basement before I left. So the plan now is to get some things wrapped up at Pam's this week then on the weekend go out to the Chatanika, pick up my arctic gear and on Monday Travis and I will head up the Dalton highway to the arctic. It will be about a one week trip and upon my return I might continue at Pam's or possibly go on the bear hunt.
Around every corner there is an adventure to be had, all you have to do is reach out and grab it. That is why I love Alaska so much and I know I belong here.